Verizon Wireless highly values its customers database information. In 2002, the company managed to implement EDW, which enabled the integration for historical and current data from all major customer touchpoints. It also served as the foundation for performing revenue, value and usage analysis on customers, products, services, and equipment. As explained in DM Review from 2005, "Verizon Wireless with TERADATA, a division of NCR", the EDW became the basis for data mining, campaign management and OLAP reporting and analysis, which guarantees Verizon Wireless the consistency across Business Intelligence metrics and analysis.
When the company initally introduced the EDW, there was 75 employees with overlapping functions such as production support, DBAs, analysts, data modelers, application developers, data mining specialists, and developers. All of them had access to the database warehouse. After the consolidation efforts were completed, it was reduced to 40 employees. Customer database users are primarily from sales & merketing, finance and customer service departments. The system enables executives, end users, and IT personnel to see customers at the level of detail and completeness necessary to take timely and relevant actions.
For Customers:
After conducting a thorough evaluation, Databeacon software (supports the design of OLAP) was selected to help Verizon provide the service on-line and on-demand. A web reporting and analysis solution provided customers with immediate access to the information they required. Instead of waiting an expected two years for the completion of a consolidated data warehouse required as a precursor by competitive BI products, Databeacon enabled Verizon to leap-frog their competitors from a time-to-market perspective by implementing an data migration solution in 10 days. Users of the service simply login to the Verizon web site, indicate the nature of the report they require and a Databeacon cube is dynamically built and delivered to their desktop. Once delivered, the user then has the option of utilizing a set of standardized reports or manipulating the cube to meet the individual needs of their organization.
For Employees:
In an effort to increase sales personal productivity and expand its wireless data capabilities, Verizon Wireless went live with Corporate Link, a suite of mobile applications that runs on the wireless capabilities of
Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS). Logging onto Corporate Link via phone, personal digital assistant (PDA), or other wireless device provides the company sales force and senior executives with 24x7 access to email, productivity, sales, and CRM applications.
The leading data mining products, such as those from companies like SAS and IBM, are now more than just modeling engines employing powerful algorithms. Instead, they address the broader business and technical issues, such as their integration into today’s complex information technology environments. Data Mining uses well-established statistical and machine learning techniques to build models that predict customer behavior. However, Verizon Wireless believes that data mining is actually a violation of privacy for their customers. As Intelius, a data mining company, has announced plans to sell the cell phone numbers of private citizens, Verizon Wireless urged the company to halt the mining and sale of these numbers: "Stop it. This is a violation of Americans' privacy. People expect their cell phone numbers to remain private," said Steve Zipperstein, vice president and general counsel of Verizon Wireless. "Trolling the Internet, using data mining techniques and simply buying lists to create a directory are actions that clearly violate a consumer's right to privacy," Zipperstein continued. "Verizon Wireless has long refused to release our customers' numbers and we call on legislators and policy makers to ensure that what a consumer wants to be private stays that way."
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